Welcome Dear Visitor!

Do you like a story? You are welcome to write the story again. The author is not a native English speaker. The current text is understandable but the stories could be improved for a more smooth and enjoyable reading.

Any well written new ‘report’ will be considered for being published on the REPORT site in addition to the original text, which is in the sole discretion of the Administrator of the site. If you wish that your name is mentioned, or prefer ‘anonymous’, please indicate this clearly, and kindly take note of the following CONDITION for any of your contribution. If enough good stories come together, a book publication may follow.

As the Comment-Box was closed on 25th April 2016, the web-administrator can be contacted via:

Many thanks for your kind attention.
Wishing you well, with best regards,
Yours D’boy Arnd


CONDITION: When you submit a new text or comment, you agree and represent that you have created this content, and that all rights are now entirely transferred to the site-owner, and that any material submitted can be used by him, unconditional, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable, publish or transmit, worldwide, in any format and on any platform, either now known or hereinafter invented. The name of the writer of any re-written text or comment will not be mentioned if published or used beyond this site!
See also:

17 November 2015